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Gloves will be used as a modern smartphone!

Nowadays gloves can be used for many purposes including talking like smartphones.

The Dhaka Times Desk There is a saying “necessity is the father of invention”. Over the ages people have created various things due to their needs. Again the shape of those things changed for the sake of necessity. And because of this need, a young man made a glove-shaped smartphone.

গ্লাভস ব্যবহার হবে আধুনিক স্মার্টফোন হিসেবে! 1

We usually see wicketkeepers using gloves to catch the ball. But if those gloves work as smartphones, it is very interesting. At first the shape of the phone was too big. In the evolution of time, smartphones of different shapes have been created for different needs.

Brian Kerr has created a glove that works like a smartphone for just such a need. Although keeping is not possible with these gloves, it can be used for many purposes including talking, listening to music.

Brian Kera says, “People are so busy these days that lugging around a smartphone is a chore. Smartphones are an important thing though. If the smartphone is attached to the body then there is no problem.”

So he made two long months of effort and finally made this glove-shaped smartphone. He created it using a 3D printing project. It fits like a glove and can be moved around effortlessly. It can also be used like a smartphone by moving the fingers back and forth and pressing the fingers. He is currently using it experimentally.

However, he has not yet said anything about whether to make these gloves commercially or not.

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