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Cheraman Juma Masjid is the first mosque in India

India's first mosque - Cheraman Juma Masjid. It is not only the first mosque in India, but also one of the oldest mosques in the world outside the Arab world

The Dhaka Times Desk good morning Friday, 27 April 2018 Christ, 14 Baisakh 1425 Bangabd, 10 Shaban 1439 Hijri. Good morning everyone from The Dhaka Times. Happy birthday to all those whose birthday is today - happy birthday.

ভারতবর্ষের প্রথম মসজিদ চেরামন জুমা মসজিদ 1

The picture you are looking at is Cheraman Juma Masjid, the first mosque in India. This mosque was built during the lifetime of the Prophet (PBUH).

According to one information, Muslims conquered India first under the leadership of Muhammad bin Qasim in the 8th century and later under the leadership of Sultan Mahmud in the 10th century. But much earlier, during the lifetime of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), in the early part of the seventh century, Islam entered the south-west coast of India quite quietly, following the footsteps of Arab traders.

At that time, the Cheraman Juma Mosque, the first mosque in India, was built there. It is not only the first mosque in India, but also one of the oldest mosques in the world outside the Arab world.

It is said that in the south and west of India, on the coast of the Arabian Sea, there lived a Hindu king named Cheraman Perumal, in the present state of Kerala. It is said that one day he dreamed that the moon in the sky was split into two. The anxious king inquired the meaning of the dream from the sages of his assembly, but no one could give any good answer. The king felt uneasy.

At that time, India had a good commercial relationship with Arabia. Arab merchants used to trade by sea in India. Shortly after the king's dream, a group of Arab Muslim merchants arrived at the sea port of King Cheraman. At that time, the victory of Islam was going on. From these merchants, the praise of this new religion of Islam and its Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) began to spread everywhere in the state. Once the story of the Prophet (PBUH) splitting the moon in two with the finger of the king also came to the ears of the king.

Then the king called the merchants and listened to them and realized that he had originally been hinting at this event in his dream. He then converted to Islam and traveled to Mecca with a group of merchants. It is said that he met Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) there. Then he took the name 'Tajuddin'. He died in Oman on the way before returning to India from Mecca. Before his death, he requested his Arab companions to go to India to spread Islam and also handed them a letter addressed to the parliamentarians of his kingdom. In that letter he expressed his desire to establish a mosque in his state.

The merchants again came to Kerala with the king's letter. According to the instructions of the king, the merchants built the first mosque in India in 629. The mosque was named Cheraman Juma Masjid after King Cheraman. Built according to local architecture, this mosque looks like a Hindu temple. It is believed to be one of the first mosques in the world where Friday prayers were held.

Image and information: Courtesy of

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