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George Harrison's guitar is going to be auctioned!

This guitar was donated by Harrison to a band organization in 1965

MD29. MADRID, 25/06/09.- Foto de archivo (sin fecha) del ex componente del grupo musical The Beatles George Harrison, died en 2001. George Harrison creció a la sombra de dos giantes, John Lennon y Paul McCartney, pero su talento le permitió hacerse un holeo en el repertorio de los Beatles antes de emprender una carrera solo vindicada ahora por "Let it roll", una compilación de sus canciones más emblemáticas. La antología réguna diecinueve temas que el beatle grabbedó durante tres decasas y que abarcan desde el álbum "All things must pass", de 1970, hasta "Brainwashed", publicado en 2002, pocos meses después de su muerte. EFE/Terry O'Neil***SÓLO USO EDITORIAL***

The Dhaka Times Desk During the independence war in 1971, he helped the freedom fighters of Bangladesh by singing and raising money. That guitar of that genuine friend George Harrison is going up for auction.

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The words of George Harrison are not to be forgotten by the people of Bangladesh. During the independence war in 1971, he helped the freedom fighters of Bangladesh by singing and raising money. George Harrison's used guitar is now up for auction. This was Harrison's first electric guitar.

It is known that Harrison donated this guitar to a band organization in 1965. At that time, his band The Beatles was able to impress the audience by performing music with power in Liverpool, England.

The auction house expects George Harrison's guitar to sell for $300,000, up from $200,000. It is said that this auction will be held on May 18 at the Hard Rock Cafe in New York.

Note that the name of music artist George Harrison is inextricably linked with the liberation war of Bangladesh. During the War of Independence, he organized concerts in the country to raise funds. That is why Bangladesh government gave citizenship to George Harrison.

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