The Dhaka Times
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Now IPL hosts Bangladesh!

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladesh wants to host the next IPL. If possible, Sri Lanka may also be considered as joint host. It is reported that IPL CEO Sundar Raman will soon visit Bangladesh and Sri Lanka in this regard. Read more…

No quick fix for Indian cricket: Dalmiya

The Dhaka Times Desk Jagmohan Dalmiya, who has taken over the board's day-to-day administrative duties in place of the recently resigned BCCI president, has said that he is enthusiastic about restoring the reputation of Indian cricket but is not hopeful of any immediate results.

“I am innocent” – Sreesanth

The Dhaka Times Desk IPL 2013 Rajasthan Royals player Sreesanth and two other teammates, Ankit Chabon and Ajit Chandila, were arrested by the Delhi Police on charges of match-fixing last Thursday. Sreesanth's arrest...
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