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the final

Pak-India final today: Who will be the champion?

The Dhaka Times Desk India and Pakistan are two eternal rivals. Due to the political position of the two countries, they are always considered as rivals. These two arch-rivals are facing each other in the final match of the ICC Champions Trophy today. Who will be the champion?

Germany won the World Cup 2014

The Dhaka Times Desk Germany won the cup by beating Argentina 1-0 in the final match of Brazil World Cup 2014. Germany scored this goal at the end of extra time after 90 minutes of the game was scoreless. Read more…

Germany should also fear Argentina

The Dhaka Times Desk After all the games of the World Cup one by one, now the people of the world are waiting for the final, according to the opinion of football experts, two teams qualified for the final have emerged. The fight will be Seyan Seyan. But Argentine forward Gonzalo Higuain says otherwise.
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