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World Cup 2014

Germany won the World Cup 2014

The Dhaka Times Desk Germany won the cup by beating Argentina 1-0 in the final match of Brazil World Cup 2014. Germany scored this goal at the end of extra time after 90 minutes of the game was scoreless. Read more…

Germany defeated France 1-0 in the first semi

The Dhaka Times Desk Germany and France face each other in the first quarter-final of World Cup 2014. The visitors have a different feeling towards Germany because of the clean game. Only time will tell if former cup champions Germany and France survive. game…

Brazil defeated Colombia 2-1 in the semi-finals

The Dhaka Times Desk World Cup 2014 in the second quarter-final, Brazil and Colombia face each other. As the host country, it is only natural that almost all the spectators in Brazil's stadium will want to go home with a victory. But it's up to the final whistle to see who will have the last laugh...
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