The Dhaka Times
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A couple gave a restaurant worker a Nissan car!

The Dhaka Times Desk In fact, it is proved once again that no one can refute the writing of destiny. A female waiter used to walk about twenty-two and a half kilometers every day to attend restaurant work. Hearing this story, a couple who came to eat at that restaurant gave him a new…

MBA pass couple shopkeepers!

The Dhaka Times Desk Indeed, such cases are rarely heard. Because it is natural that a person who has passed MBA will get bored with the job. But in addition to that government job, there is news of a couple who works and also sits in their own shop! More…

A couple's profession is the case!

The Dhaka Times Desk A couple's profession is the case! After hearing that, anyone can think what kind of profession it is? But that's what actually happened. A couple has taken up this unethical act as a profession for a long time. However, their end was not saved. Read details to know more…

This couple was on the Titanic!

The Dhaka Times Desk Not just in the film; This couple was on the Titanic! Titanic is one of the most talked about and famous eye-catching expensive movies produced by James Cameron. Now there is sensational information about this Titanic. To know more…
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