The Dhaka Times
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How to decorate the house with green trees on Eid

The Dhaka Times Desk When Eid comes, various kinds of tension surround almost everyone. Such as the stress of decorating the house. There is no end of worry about how to decorate the house on Eid. The tension is increasing as the day approaches. But with a little wisdom, you can do the work of decorating the house yourself...

A shadowy, lifeless estate...

The Dhaka Times Desk Hearing about the Zamidari house can make many people shiver. Many people understand zamindari to mean the 'hunkar' of a dictator. But what is it really? The manorial houses are still preserved by the Archeology Department of our country. Read more...

House made of trains!

The Dhaka Times Desk They like trains very much. So the couple built a house out of a train carriage. The history of Marko Stepniak and Vanessa Stollbaum's house is also quite fascinating. Read details-
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