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The golden ball and boot are in the hands of Messi

The Dhaka Times Desk Bangladeshi spectators get up early in the morning and start preparing to watch the game. Because Argentina and Brazil have equal number of fans. But Argentina had the last laugh. The big find for Messi fans was Messi's golden ball-boot. To know more…

Messi gave a gift to Ronaldinho!

The Dhaka Times Desk Lionel Messi, the world's best star of the present time, learned the multi-dimensional style of football from the Brazilian sensation Ronaldinho as a club teammate. So Messi sent an emotional gift for his dear friend. Read more…

Messi in a new hairstyle!

The Dhaka Times Desk After the World Cup mission, he went on vacation with his girlfriend. This time, the world-famous Argentinian star footballer Messi has returned. But a new hairstyle! Read more...