The Dhaka Times
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Tourist favorite city

The Dhaka Times Desk Who doesn't like to travel? Travel is like oxygen for travelers. Traveling to new places, adjusting yourself to new climates is not the kind of fun found anywhere else. More…

"Niladri" is a blue state of Bangladesh

The Dhaka Times Desk "Niladri" in blue color. It's like getting lost in the blue kingdom. Yes talking about Niladri, wondering what it is again? This place full of heavenly beauty is not in Kashmir but in our country! Are you surprised? It is wrong to think of Kashmir after seeing the picture...

Bhutan is a haven of natural beauty

The Dhaka Times Desk Bhutan is a land of natural beauty. Covered in dense greenery, Bhutan is calm, quiet and clean This is Bhutan, the land of King Wangchuck of a different obsession, a different feeling There are many things to enjoy in this well organized country.…
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