The Dhaka Times
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the skin

What to do to make skin fairer

The Dhaka Times Desk We do a lot with the skin. There are many things we do to make the skin tone a little fairer. But there are some methods through which you can lighten the skin color very easily. To know more read details -

Few foods for beautiful skin

The Dhaka Times Desk We do many things for the health of the body. It also affects the skin. We all take a little extra care when it comes to skin. Few foods for beautiful skin will be discussed today. To know more read details -

What to do to take care of oily skin

The Dhaka Times Desk Many people have problems with oily skin. Because this skin needs to be taken care of a lot. Bacterial infection is more due to the small amount of dust and sand stuck in this type of skin. Here are some tips to take care of oily skin today…

Tea bags can heal sunburned skin

The Dhaka Times Desk After consuming tea we throw away the commonly used tea bags. Many of us do not know that this tea bag is very useful in cosmetics. This tea bag pair is perfect for removing sunburned skin. To know more read details -

How to take care of your skin this summer

The Dhaka Times Desk It is very hot. And because of the heat, the body sweats constantly. Sweating can damage your skin. But if you say so, it will not happen if you sit. If you take care of your skin by following some rules, you can stay healthy and beautiful. Read more…
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