The Dhaka Times
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Unripe mangoes are turning yellow using etofen spray!

RAB's mobile court seized and destroyed 400 maunds of mangoes from a fruit stand in the capital's caravan market.

The Dhaka Times Desk A lovely yellow mango. When you see it, you will want to think of fresh mango and eat it. In fact, each mango is full of chemicals and is turned yellow with a toxic hormonal spray called Etophane.

ইথোফেন স্প্রে ব্যবহার করে কাঁচা আম হলুদ করা হচ্ছে! 1

RAB's mobile court seized and destroyed 400 maunds of such mangoes from the fruit stall of the capital Dhaka's caravan market. All the mangoes were destroyed in the operation from dawn to noon on Tuesday (May 15). RAB Executive Magistrate Sarwar Alam led the operation.

He said that although most of the mangoes are yellow, the seeds inside them are similar to raw mangoes. Immature mangoes were being sold by treating them with medicine in the hope of more profit without complying with the date set by the government. Chemically treated mangoes are being destroyed. Mangoes from different shops have been tested and it has been found that the mangoes are sprayed with the toxic hormone Ethophane. Although generally used in agricultural land, this spray is being used to ripen raw mangoes ahead of Ramadan. Magistrate Sarwar Alam said it is worse than formalin.

He also said that traders are secretly collecting unripe mangoes and sending them to Dhaka without following the government's orders. 8 people have been sentenced to minimum 1 month and maximum 3 months imprisonment for spraying these mangoes.

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