The Dhaka Times
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Mahathir has reduced the salary of ministers by 10 percent!

Dr. Mahathir Mohammad said, 'Ministers' basic salary has been cut by 10 percent. It will contribute to the country's economy.

The Dhaka Times Desk In our country, there is a competition to increase various privileges of ministers and secretaries, but a different picture was seen in Malaysia. The country's newly elected Prime Minister. Mahathir Mohamad has reduced the salaries of ministers by 10 percent!

মাহাথির মসনদে বসেই মন্ত্রীদের বেতন ১০ শতাংশ কমিয়ে দিয়েছেন! 1

After taking power, Mahathir Mohamad decided to reduce the salaries of ministers by 10 percent in order to reduce state spending. The members also agreed to this decision in the cabinet meeting on May 23.

At the end of the first weekly cabinet meeting in Perdana Putra, Prime Minister Dr. Mahathir Mohamad revealed this information in a press conference.

Dr. Mahathir Mohammad said, 'Ministers' basic salary has been cut by 10 percent. It will contribute to the country's economy.

He also said, 'This is my personal practice. When I came to power in 1981, I did this.'

Dr. Mahathir Mohamad said mega projects will be reviewed. If something has to be cancelled, it will be decided. A decision on these projects will be taken soon. Mahathir said this about the country's mega projects such as Pan Borenho Highway, Bandar Malaysia and Tun Razaka Exchange.

In addition, some unnecessary organizations and institutions such as Land Public Transport Commission, National Professors Council and Special Affairs Department have also been said to break up the country's newly elected Prime Minister Dr. Tun. Mahathir Mohamad.

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