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A cat got a job in the police with an interview!

Cat Donut is currently the newest member of the Michigan Police Department

The Dhaka Times Desk It is a normal rule that people join the job through interview. But if you listen to the interview and got a job in the police, a cat! Then one cannot help but be surprised.

ইন্টারভিউ দিয়ে পুলিশে চাকরি নিলো এক বিড়াল! 1

Such a news in the media is viral! According to the news, this cat police officer will serve in the cat unit. The cat's name is Donut. His skin color is grey. The interview was excellent. So this little kitten has matured the job in the Michigan police!

Donut is currently the newest member of the Michigan Police Department. He was asked to raise his right leg in the interview, which he did with skill. Cracked the interview. Soon after his job was ripe and officially sworn in, he joined the Michigan Police Department!

According to media reports, he was given to TDP by the Humane Society of Michigan. He is now an active member of the Michigan Police Department of Racism. Chief Gary Mayer has repeatedly said, “We're using social media to let people know that police are people too We also want to show that side of us where we go beyond law enforcement.”

P'Fisher Donut was recruited after the first candidate, Badges, was diagnosed with feline leukemia during recruitment. Feline leukemia is a fatal disease of cats. The disease is highly contagious and can spread rapidly among other feline species.

Police said they were devastated after Badges was diagnosed with the disease. Donut is then assigned to that department. Although “Badges will always have their first post office”.

It is to be noted that this police officer will be used to increase the trend of adopting domestic animals among people and to rescue domestic animals and increase contact with people, according to Michigan police sources.

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