The Dhaka Times
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Never waste an opportunity by neglecting it

The real wise man is the one who seizes the right opportunity at the right time

The Dhaka Times Desk There are two types of people living in the world. Someone likes to take a chance and someone likes to give others a chance. But there are more people who take the opportunity themselves. Everyone loves to take chances. And this is what usually happens. But wasting that opportunity carelessly will never bring good results. Today we will discuss a topic that is very important in the life of each of us. By looking at the title, you may have understood what the topic could be.

কখনো সুযোগকে অবহেলা করে নষ্ট করো না 1

Indeed, an opportunity should never be missed. Because opportunities don't come often. You may have missed an opportunity due to your negligence which could have been the turning point of your life or the last chance to overcome your problems.

The picture above can give you some idea of how we waste opportunities. In the film, a person is trapped in a place where the only way out is a ladder. On the other hand, it is very cold and dark inside that room. The man did not take the last chance to escape with a little difficulty but cut the steps of the ladder and set fire to it for temporary comfort. Which may warm the body for a while. But he never once thought that after a while the fire would be extinguished when the wood was burnt. Then he has to suffocate in that dark and cold environment. Because he burned the last possessions to survive from there. But then he climbed up the ladder and actually survived. Also gets rid of cold and darkness.

In our personal lives we also have opportunities to change lives. But neglect that opportunity for temporary happiness. Remember that temporary happiness is only temporary it will never bring you lasting happiness. But the opportunity that you missed out on, may be a little painful, but that opportunity was enough to enrich your life and bring you lasting happiness. Just as that man realized his mistake after the momentary fire went out but there was no way out, you too may now realize your mistake but like him you may have very little way out. But it is true that in real life you can get that opportunity again. So try to be aware. Make proper use of the opportunity.

remember,  "The truly wise man is the one who seizes the right opportunity at the right time."

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