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Conflict, poverty and gender discrimination 120 million children in the world!

About 1.2 billion children in the world are deprived of a normal and favorable environment to grow up

The Dhaka Times Desk At least 120 million children in the world are victims of conflict, poverty and gender discrimination! These children of the world are victims of poverty, gender inequality and conflict-violence.

সংঘাত, দারিদ্রতা ও লিঙ্গ বৈষম্যের শিকার বিশ্বের ১২০ কোটি শিশু! 1

Around 1.2 billion children in the world are deprived of a normal and favorable environment to grow up. This information has emerged from a study by UK-based child-rights human rights organization Save the Children.

Save the Children published this report on the occasion of International Children's Day on June 1. About 1.2 billion children worldwide are affected by poverty, gender inequality and conflict-violence, the report said. On the other hand, 15 million 53 million children are growing up with 3 serious problems!

The report also states that nearly 100 million children live at risk in poverty-stricken countries, 240 million children in war and conflict and at least 575 million girls are growing up in gender inequality. Children's health, education, freedom and security have deteriorated in 58 countries. This report was published after conducting a survey in 175 countries.

Countries are ranked based on the extent to which children are at risk of death, malnutrition, lack of education, child marriage and child labour. According to the index, the conditions for children improved the most in Singapore and Slovenia. These two countries are jointly at the top of the ranking. It is followed by Norway, Sweden and Finland.

On the other hand, Niger, Mali and Central African Republics are at the very bottom of the index. Eight of the bottom 10 countries on the list are from West and Central Africa. According to a report by Al-Jazeera, the United States (36), Russia (37) and China (40) are the world's economic and military superpowers, according to Save the Children's index.

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