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From now on mobile phone can open the lock of the house!

Apple is thinking of introducing a system to unlock the house or car by increasing the capabilities of NFC

The Dhaka Times Desk A lot of problems have arisen due to leaving the house without taking the key. But from now that trouble is no more. Because you can open the cell phone if you want!

এখন থেকে মোবাইল ফোনেই খোলা যাবে ঘরের তালা! 1

What's the first thought that comes to your mind when you leave the house? The key must be taken with you first. Because if you forget for some reason then the big disaster! You end up having to break the lock without getting the key when you come back. But this time you will be happy to know that this problem of yours is going to end very soon. That's what Mashable said. The famous technology company Apple is going to add such a function to their iPhone, which will make it very easy to open the door of your car or house!

Apple Pay has previously introduced payment transactions through the iPhone's NFC technology. By increasing the capabilities of that NFC, Apple is thinking of introducing a system to unlock the house or car.

According to Mc-Rumors, the announcement of this new type of NFC could come within the next month. Through which iPhone users can use their phone for transactions such as money, as well as unlocking the house or identity recognition. This technology can even be used for many other purposes including health protection.

According to media reports, such NFC announcement is likely to come in the upcoming release of the 12th version of iOS. Apple has been conducting this research since 2014 in collaboration with HID Global, an organization that works on human security. It is believed that the announcement of this NFC will come from the World Wide Developers Conference to be held in the first week of June.

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