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China's husband 'deposit' service is becoming increasingly popular!

With the appearance of a shopping mall, many people have taken the initiative to launch this service

The Dhaka Times Desk This world is really strange! Various events are happening constantly. Some events surprise and surprise people. One such event is the husband 'deposit' service! This service is becoming increasingly popular in China.

চীনের স্বামী 'জমা রাখার' সার্ভিস ক্রমেই জনপ্রিয় হচ্ছে! 1

There is also a trend in our country where many women leave their children in 'day care' centers to go to office. But so says husband 'deposit' service! How many events are happening in the world constantly. One cannot help but be surprised to hear about these incidents. One such event is the husband 'deposit' service! This service, which is unique in the world, was launched for the first time in China. The name of this service is Swami 'deposit' service. It has become quite popular nowadays. With the appearance of a shopping mall, many people have taken the initiative to launch this service.

Women usually take their husbands with them when they go shopping. That is why husbands follow their wives from store to store during shopping. This made the husbands very upset. In this case, a shopping mall authority in China has taken a new initiative so that those husbands do not have to suffer such unnecessary walking. Women who go shopping in that shopping mall, there is a special arrangement to 'deposit' their husbands!

It is known that a number of glass pods and glass shells are made in Shanghai's Global Harbor Mall and special arrangements are made there. In that 'glass pod' various entertainment arrangements are also kept for the husbands. There they can sit and play games if they want. Inside each glass pod is a chair, monitor, computer and game pad. They can even play old games from the 90's while sitting there!

The authorities of the Global Harbor shopping mall said that this service was initially provided free of charge but later charges were levied. Some men who have used the service have told the media that they really like it.

However, there is a lot of fun going on in Chinese social media about this service of the shopping mall. Many have asked whether this service can be extended to other places.

However, while men are encouraged by the system of 'depositing' husbands, women are quite disappointed. Their claim is that if the husband just wants to sit and play fun games, what is the point of taking him shopping? So what is the use of taking them there by spending money?”

Meanwhile, this service has become quite popular in China. Some other shopping mall authorities have taken the initiative to launch this service after seeing an organization. They think, if this service is launched, women can do marketing in their shopping malls without any problems. Their sales will increase. That is why they want to implement such an initiative.

It should be noted that when the Chinese shopping mall authorities first took this initiative, a news about this was published in The Dhaka Times.

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