The Dhaka Times
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Job news can be found in the app!

I had to spend so long. A lot of time was spent looking for job advertisements

The Dhaka Times Desk Now you don't have to worry about finding a job. There will be no need to browse various sites. From now on, job news can be found in the app!

চাকরির খবর পাওয়া যাবে অ্যাপে! 1

Nowadays everything is now dependent on online. Everything including daily necessities are now available online. There is no need to defoliate the sandalwood as before. Thanks to technology, everything can be found online at home. But that's why we had to spend so long. A lot of time was spent looking for job advertisements. But now this task has become easier. From now job news will be available in the app. So you will get job news very easily.

One such app has been brought by online job search platform The company has been providing their services through the website for a long time, but this time the company has launched their service through the app.

Recently they also launched an app called Jobremind24. All job information can be found in this apps. chief executive Sohag said, 'Government and private job information can be found through this app. This app is designed to be very easy to use.

He also said, 'Many people in Bangladesh do not find the right job and because of not getting the right information. All kinds of job information will be available through this app. Not only job news within Dhaka, district-upzilla job news can also be found through this app.

The app is available on the Google Play Store. Download Link:

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