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Honeymoon in space!

The Dhaka Times Desk Many honeymoon places have been heard about but this time there are reports of a totally exceptional honeymoon. And that is that Hollywood actor Ashton Kutcher and actress Mila Kunis have announced that they will go to the moon for their honeymoon after marriage.


Hollywood actor Ashton Kutcher and actress Mila Kunis will get married soon. And this Hollywood couple is planning to go to the moon for their honeymoon. They are planning to go on a space trip after marriage.

According to the online news media of The Sun, the Hollywood couple has completed all preparations to join the 68 Mile High Club. They are said to be honeymooning in space on Richard Branson's flight.
A very close friend of the pair confirmed this news to the media and said that they want to tie the knot in September. Aston Branson says he's going on a space trip aboard Virgin Galactic Flight. A source close to the pair also said that Mila is going on a honeymoon in this space as a wedding gift, said Ashton Kutcher.

Hollywood actor Ashton Kutcher and actress Mila Kunis's happy marriage and wedding North are exceptionally successful in space honeymoon as millions of fans around the world hope.

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