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The cow named Penka was saved from the death penalty!

The Bulgarian government has put the cow in a cage because of its obligation to comply with EU law.

The Dhaka Times Desk People are sentenced to death. But the death sentence of an animal or bird happens occasionally. This time the cow named Penka escaped from such a death sentence!

মৃত্যুদণ্ড হতে রক্ষা পেলো পেনকা নামের গরুটি! 1

This cow named Penka was going to be executed for illegally entering Bulgaria's neighboring country, Serbia. But this cow named Penka was saved for animal rights activists.

According to various international news media, this cow named Penka lives in the small village of Kopilovtsi in Bulgaria. Last month, the cow suddenly wandered off to neighboring Serbia while eating grass.

After finding this pregnant cow, the Serbian administration contacted Bulgaria. Within a couple of weeks, Penka returned to his country. But then a setback occurred; The government of Bulgaria put the cow in a cage due to its obligation to comply with European Union law.

The European Commission guidelines clearly state that the necessary documents must be presented at border posts when bringing cattle or other animals into the EU. In that case, proof that the animal is healthy must also be given. But who will say that Penka caused his own danger because of his stomach!

Penka's crime was not limited to crossing the border; The sword of breaking international law also rides on his head. Serbia is not a member of the EU, but Bulgaria is, so the scramble to legally cow the cow begins.

However, animal rights activists joined the protest. Penkar continued to make one after another online pleas to save his life. The Beatles star Paul McCartney also entered the field with the organization of animal lovers from home and abroad.

It is known that the Bulgarian Food Safety Organization has agreed to reconsider the case of Penka under pressure from home and abroad after a great uproar. Because of which the cow is going to be released. The Georgivas are also now waiting for their cow to return home.

Although Penka survived, the animal-loving organization 'Four Paws' says that killing animals in this way is atrocity. The loopholes in the law need to be removed.

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