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Create a website completely free

Creating a website is effortless using free domain and hosting

The Dhaka Times Desk Many of us think that creating a website costs a lot of money. This is not true as websites cost money in many ways including domain and hosting purchase. However, there are some domains and hosting that can be used for free. Today we will learn how to create a free website.

সম্পূর্ণ ফ্রি তে ওয়েবসাইট তৈরি করুন 1

1. To create a free website you need to go first on this website.

2. Then if you click on Get start there, a form like the image below will appear to create a free account. There you have to enter several information about your website.


* What would you like to name your site? In this field you have to enter the name of your website. Like amarbangla etc.

* What will your site be about? Here you need to write what kind of website you want. In this case you can write personal, travel, fashion etc.

* What's the primary goal you have for your site? Here you have to tick the box that will be the main purpose of your website. If the purpose of your website is to share ideas, experiences, updates, reviews, stories, videos, or photos, tick this box.

* How comfortable are you with creating a website? Here you will click on Beginner 1 as you are new to the website. Then click on Continue.
সম্পূর্ণ ফ্রি তে ওয়েবসাইট তৈরি করুন 2
3. Here is your website address name ie www. After that, enter the name by which someone else will find your site. As soon as the name is written, some options will appear below. Since we will open the free website, click on select next to free writing from there.

4. Now several options will appear in front of you. From there you click on Start with personal or Start with free.
সম্পূর্ণ ফ্রি তে ওয়েবসাইট তৈরি করুন 3
5. Then you enter an e-mail in the e-mail field and password in the password field and click Continue.

6. Now your website is ready. So click on view my site above then your website will be opened in front of you.

An email from WordPress has already arrived in your email. Open that mail and click on Confirm Now text. Then your site will be fully active.

Now you can develop the site as you wish and arrange it as you like.

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