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World Cup 2018: Argentina's fate depends on Iceland

Defeats by teams like Germany, draws by teams like Brazil and defeats by Argentina have rocked this World Cup.

The Dhaka Times Desk Both groups will play two important matches today. Argentina-Nigeria and Iceland-Croatia will face each other at 12 pm. But Argentina's fate depends on Iceland.

বিশ্বকাপ ২০১৮: আইসল্যান্ডের উপরই আর্জেন্টিনার ভাগ্য নির্ভর করছে 1

Since the beginning of the World Cup in Russia, various incidents have been seen. Losses by teams like Germany, draws by teams like Brazil and defeats by Argentina have rocked this World Cup. Especially most of the supporters of Bangladesh are from Brazil, Argentina and Germany.

Argentina-Nigeria and Croatia-Iceland will meet today (Tuesday) at 12:00 PM in the last round of Group D match of Russia World Cup.

Croatia has already advanced to the second round. The remaining three teams still have a chance to play in the knock out stage. That's why matches become so important.

However, there are many calculations about this game. A win against Nigeria is not an option for Argentina to secure a place in the second round.

Again only if they win they can go to the second round, not that. Argentina will have to rely on the Croatia-Iceland match.

Argentina players have already held a meeting and demanded the sacking of manager Jorge Sampaoli. There is a hint that something is happening within the team. Which is why good things can come from Lionel Messi and Sergio Aguero.

On the other hand, the fate of Nigeria rests in their hands. They know that a single point will easily see Nigeria into the second round.

Croatia, on the other hand, have already reached the second round. Only a draw against Iceland would secure them the title of group champion.

A win against Argentina will see Nigeria advance to the second round. On the other hand, if Iceland does not defeat Croatia, then Nigeria will only have to draw against Argentina.

And if Argentina and Nigeria draw and Iceland beat Croatia 2-0, Iceland will advance to the second round.

So on the one hand, Iceland will go to the second round if they win against Croatia and at the same time have one goal more than Nigeria.

But Argentina's account is a little different. Argentina will advance to the second round only if they beat Nigeria and Iceland fail to win against Croatia.

Again Iceland beat Croatia, but Argentina will have a chance to advance to the second round if they can beat Nigeria by more than two goals.

If both Argentina and Iceland win and their goals tally is the same, discipline and other issues will come to the fore.

But three Argentine players have received yellow cards so far. On the other hand, only one Iceland player received a yellow card.

Argentina's Jorge Sampaoli said in a press conference on Monday that Argentina will have a tough fight with Nigeria. He noted that this week was very difficult for them after the defeat with Croatia. The morale of the players is broken. However, it is believed that the spirit of intense competition among the players can also be created. But only time will tell.

Sampaoli hopes to win against Nigeria no matter how adverse the situation may be. Argentina's Jorge Sampaoli said the match against Nigeria will be the first final out of 5 finals. In other words, he wants to understand that to win the World Cup, you have to win 5 matches.

Jorge Sampaoli confirmed that the real Argentina will be seen today. The viewers of Bangladesh are expecting the same. And that is the expectation of the audience that Argentina will shine once more. Let's see what happens in the end. It will be confirmed when the game is played on the field.

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