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Know the knockout stage schedule: 'Messi will own the World Cup': Maradona

Argentina - France are facing today

The Dhaka Times Desk World Cup legend Diego Maradona said, 'Messi will own the World Cup'. The World Cup star's comments are giving more encouragement to Argentina fans. And after a while, Argentina is facing France at 8 pm.

There was massive jubilation among the Argentina fans after the second Raudant went off. However, after today's match, everyone is hoping that the joy will continue. Today at 8 pm, this year's knockout stage game starts with Argentina and France. Today there is also a game between Uruguay and Portugal at 12 pm.

The current World Cup has become a nightmare for the favorite teams. In no previous tournament, perhaps all the title hopefuls had to suffer so much in the group stage. Defending champions Germany were eliminated. After them, the most likely to be eliminated was last time's finalist Argentina. However, after overcoming all fears, they reached the last sixteen. However, the superstar of the team, Lionel Messi, could not shine. Today (Saturday) in the first game of this round, Argentina faces the mighty France. Earlier, Argentine football legend Maradona said, "Messi still has time to make this World Cup his own".

নকআউট পর্বের সময়সূচি জেনে নিন: ‘বিশ্বকাপ নিজের করে নেবে মেসি’: ম্যারাডোনা 1

According to Maradona, this magician's World Cup has only started with the last match. He will make this event his own. Fans think so too. Of course it could be Messi's tournament. It's just the beginning, in between diapers. Now our game will begin.' Expect others too.

Every match in the knockout or last sixteen stage is a game of survival. So there is no room for parties to go back. Maradona said in this regard, 'No one can turn back. The teams have to attack. If not, then it will be possible to go to the maximum tiebreaker.'

Know when and with whom to play in the knock out phase:

France vs Argentina
Saturday, June 30 (8pm)

Uruguay vs Portugal
June 30, Saturday (12pm)

Spain vs Russia
Sunday, July 1 (8pm)

Croatia vs Denmark
Sunday, July 1 (12pm)

Brazil vs. Mexico
Monday, July 2 (8pm)

Belgium vs Japan
Monday, July 2 (12pm)

Sweden vs Switzerland
Tuesday, July 3 (8pm)

Colombia vs England
Tuesday, July 3 (12pm)

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