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Will the extinct giant mammoth return to earth?

Scientists are trying to bring back the mammoth, which became extinct thousands of years ago

The Dhaka Times Desk The existence of some animals has been destroyed in the world due to various natural disasters and adverse geographical conditions. Although not found alive, fossils, skeletons and limbs of those dead animals have been recovered. An extinct animal is the mammoth. Many people consider this huge animal with big teeth to be the ancestor of the elephant. Because its shape and structure is much like an elephant.

Scientists believe that thousands of years ago these animals were destroyed forever due to natural disasters. But the appearance of this mammoth is going to happen again in the world. Harvard University scientists are claiming that it is possible to bring back the mammoth. The scientists gave such sensational information at the discussion of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in Boston.

The scientists said, “It is possible to clone a living mammoth cell with an elephant ovum to produce an elephant-mammoth hybrid baby. Later, using that elephant-mammoth hybrid animal as a mother and cloning living mammoth cells with elephant-mammoth hybrid ovules in her womb, it would be possible to give birth to a full-fledged mammoth baby.”

Now the question is where to find the living cells of the extinct mammoth?

Mammoths are believed to have lived in different parts of the world from 5 million years ago to 4,500 years ago. But it is difficult to obtain intact DNA from the remains of even the last animal. Because DNA breaks easily. A fossil has recently been found, some scientists claim that this fossil contains living blood cells. Because this fossil was buried in ice. Therefore, scientists claim that its fossil is largely intact and contains living blood cells. And by using these cells, they want to bring the mammoth back to earth.

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