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Mammoths have disappeared from the environment due to the human race for expansion

The Dhaka Times Desk Recently, scientists say that mammoths of the Ice Age have become extinct due to over-hunting by human predators. But earlier it was thought that these mammoths disappeared from the environment due to environmental changes.


A new study blames humans for the extinction of these animals. Humans have done more damage to them than the environment has done to them. In addition, the main reason behind the disappearance of some other animals from the environment is humans; They include big-toothed cats, large kangaroos and a lion that looks like a black leopard. The role of humans is behind the extinction of about 177 species of animals. About 132,000 years ago these animals survived in our environment. But only 2,000 years ago, when humans began to expand, these animals began to die out.

Scientists have said in a recent study that they are trying to see if these lost mammoths can be brought back into the environment through cloning. As a result of that research, experts recently discovered a 'high quality DNA' dating back 43,000 years in the Karkas region of Siberia, Russia. These woolly mammoths last lived in this region of Siberia 4,000 years ago. This cloning process would usually be accomplished through the surrogate method of a female mammoth. Scientists say, through this cloning process, 30 percent of animals that have disappeared from the environment can be brought back.


The Ice Age followed the Pleistocene epoch, numerically beginning 1.8 million years ago and ending 11,700 years ago today. Scientists have spent the last 50 years trying to figure out what caused so many animals to go extinct at once. Recent studies have revealed that these monstrous creatures have disappeared from the environment due to human expansion. A large proportion of large animals were able to survive as the environment changed. Because they survived an extended period of ice age well.

100,000 years ago, modern humans spread across the globe from Africa. In the midst of this spread, their survival begins with a battle with monstrous creatures. In this fight, mankind survives and giants are lost. Charles Darwin's famous formula reminds us of this fact, where he said, only the fittest will survive.

Reference: The Daily Mail

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