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Because of global warming, people can become shorter!

The Dhaka Times Desk Global warming is facing a terrible human disaster and we know about those disasters. Recently, a group of researchers have claimed that humans may become shorter as a result of global warming.


Global Warming Will Make Humans Shorter – After one such claim by the University of Florida, researchers at the University of Michigan started thinking about the issue and found a link between global warming and the reduction in height of mammals.

In that context, the researchers said - the time period of warmth 'Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)' Among mammals, horses and deer have decreased in height over time. Lasted for 160,000 years PETM period and during this time global warming increased from 9 degrees to 14 degrees. However, researchers also believe that the decrease in altitude due to excessive warming is a normal evolutionary change.

University of Michigan Paleontologist Philip Gingerich and his team members at the University of Hemisphere, Colorado College, California Institute of Technology have found evidence that this reduction in size in mammals is called 'dwarfing' Occurred 53 million years ago. This is the case PETM The time period that takes place 2 million years after the period Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 (ETM2) Known as – this is a relatively short and another global warming time period that lasted from 8000 to 100000 years and saw a maximum temperature increase of 5 degrees Fahrenheit.

Researchers have found that by examining animal fossils ETM2 Rate of shape loss over time PETM Much less than the loss of shape over time period. Fossils of a dog-like horse named Hiracotherium have been found ETM2 Their height has decreased by 19 percent in the time period where PETM The height of the same species decreased by 30 percent over the same time period.

It is clear from these studies that mammals have lost more height during periods of greater temperature rise, and it is on this basis that researchers have sounded the alarm about human height loss.

Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences Philip Gingerich According to this, the cause-and-effect analysis of the reduced body size of mammals during the two time periods gave researchers confidence. In other words, it can be said for sure that humans and mammals are shrinking due to global warming.

It should be noted that it was held on a date in November The Society of Vertebrate Paleontology The researchers presented their findings at its annual meeting.

Reference: The Tech Journal

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