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That's why mobile SIM cards can keep you on track

By not knowing the correct information or doing something wrong, the mobile SIM card will put you in the way

The Dhaka Times Desk The most popular means of telecommunication in the world today is mobile. And the SIM card that we use in this mobile for some reason can put us on the way soon. Mobile numbers are used for any type of transaction in every country of the world today. Bank, insurance, buying and selling, debt and debt ie mobile number is associated with every issue.

Grameenphone, Banglalink, Robi, Airtel and Teletalk SIM cards are commonly used in Bangladesh. Now we will know how this SIM card can set you on your way.

Suppose the mobile number you use is linked to your bank account, business transactions and more. now-

1. Many times your SIM receives SMS from an unknown number. Where it says 'This number of yours or you have won 8 lakh rupees or pounds or dollars in a competition like Coca Cola or etc., to claim this money or transfer it to your account send the following e-mail or this number along with your bank account details etc. . As soon as you send your information and bank account to that e-mail or that number, this cycle will steal all the money from your bank account through various software.

So don't replay, phone or e-mail any such sms. Think about a simple matter, how can you get money where you have not bought any lottery ticket or participated in any contest?

2. There are some circles that collect some important numbers saved in your phone. Then, through various software, you can create the number of that important person you know and that person can give you SMS or call. In this case your phone will show the phone number saved in the name of that important person. And you may also think that the person you know can give him a lot of confidential information and even make a big transaction. And thus you can face huge losses.

So always try to make sure that after receiving a call or SMS from an important person, call the person's number from your phone's contact number or phonebook. Don't forget to re-dial that number.

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