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How to transfer constituencies

Many people have been suffering from the problem of transfer of constituencies for a long time due to not knowing the correct procedure

The Dhaka Times Desk Constituency is an important issue. Many people have to shift constituencies due to some reason. Many people have trouble voting in their former area, especially due to relocation or relocation. But may be suffering from this problem for a long time due to not knowing how to transfer the constituency. Today we will know how to transfer constituency.

In order to transfer the voter area, you have to go to the election commission office of the area where you currently want to be a voter and fill the form-13 of the election commission.

Which should be submitted along with the application form:

1. Photocopy of NID of applicant
2. Citizenship certificate of the area to which the transfer will take place
3. Your Electricity Bill/Water Bill/Tax or Chowkidari Receipt of the area to be shifted to
4. 2nd page of Form-13 should be stamped with name and signature of the concerned local representative with NID number as identifier of the applicant.

Together with the application form, these documents should be submitted to the office of the Election Commission.

Some important information:

1. No fee is required to transfer constituency.

2. No new card will be issued to you in case of transfer of constituency. So you can do all the work with your current card. However, if you want to get a new card, you have to submit the old card and apply for the new card by depositing Tk. 230.

3. Once your previous area smart card is printed, you need to collect the new card from the election commission office of the previous area to get the smart card for the new area.

In Election Commission Form-13, you have to enter the information of your current constituency and the information of the new constituency. How long you have been staying in your new constituency and the reason why you are moving constituency should be mentioned. Besides, the public representative of the new area should sign your application form as an identifier in this sense that he knows you well. You can get more information immediately by chatting or commenting on the Election Commission's Facebook page at the link below[0]=68.ARD6Hx6hjJKBcE8uYdw-IiXJYcw4jIceix4qY3lvvTbn5N9db_FkdrHjFEAjN-YghG5G5_T493ncivTJVmnbjAXD87GRZo4kCoCah0Mq6CHcxQkblYfiz8ND8j1yuWE_-8VX5VfsXBNe&__tn__=kC-R

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