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How to eliminate eye problems caused by computers

Sunlight falls on the computer or laptop during work

The Dhaka Times Desk Technology has made us so addicted that most of the day is spent in front of the computer That is why the number of glasses is constantly increasing What is the solution to this problem? Know the matter.

কম্পিউটারের কারণে সৃষ্ট চোখের সমস্যা দূর করবেন যেভাবে 1

In today's era, the world is not moving without computer Therefore, even if we adapt to the technology-dependent era, many times my eyes do not keep up

All kinds of problems happen there Due to which various symptoms including eye irritation, fatigue, fatigue, vision loss occur. How to eliminate this problem? Excessive neglect of the eyes can lead to great danger So be careful to stay on time

This is because excess light can be one of the causes of eye inflammation Therefore, keep yourself away from excessive or external light while working Sunlight falls on the computer or laptop while working at home Which is also harmful to the eyes Avoid strong light rays while working at home If necessary, you can change the location of the computer

Take a break from your work Remove yourself from the computer for a while In which your long tired eyes will get temporary relief Due to which the eyes will be re-hydrated A break of 2/3 minutes is also quite useful in this case

Moreover, eye care can also protect the eyes from drying out Rotate the eyes clockwise and anti-clockwise It will also reduce eye pressure Set the computer background according to your eye tolerance at work, it will benefit your eyes to some extent

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