The Dhaka Times
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This time the helicopter to control crime

The Dhaka Times Desk Law enforcement agencies use various strategies to track criminals. Now the helicopter is being brought down to keep an eye on the crime. It will have armed commandos, sophisticated surveillance equipment. But it is not in our country but in India.


It is said in the online news media that such measures are being taken to monitor the helicopter soon. Such measures are being taken to monitor crime in seven major cities of India. The cities are Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai, Hyderabad, Ahmedabad and Bangalore. Dnews reported this yesterday.

According to the news, this activity will be conducted under the Safe City Project of the Ministry of Home Affairs. The country's ministry recently said that such measures are necessary to keep law and order under control and monitor other crimes. The information collected in this system will be sent to the command control center. Then measures will be taken according to the situation. Source: Internet

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