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Police helicopter crashes into crowded liquor store in Scotland: 8 killed

The Dhaka Times Desk Scotland on Friday Glasgow A patrol helicopter of the local police force crashed killing 8 people on board including the driver. Fortunately, the rest of the survivors were taken to the hospital.


The incident took place at a local liquor store on a national holiday in Scotland, where approximately 100 people were celebrating a public holiday, but suddenly a helicopter crashed from above with a loud noise. Casualties happen before you know it.

The entire shop was torn apart by the wing of the crashed helicopter at the scene, the actual number of dead cannot be confirmed as there were many people there, the helicopter could not be moved yet, it can be easily understood how many people were killed or injured inside.


National leader of Scotland Alex Salmond "Today was a day of joy for our country but in this incident it is no more joy, now it has become a day of great sadness," he said.

The death toll is expected to rise, with people at the scene and the place completely littered with dirt and blood. The rescuers are trying their best to rescue the people there.

Meanwhile, the local administration still could not tell the cause of the accident, at the same time they could not tell what duty the helicopter involved in the accident was performing there at that time!

Source: Gawker

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