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Shepherd cows grazing in a helicopter! Have you ever heard of such a thing? [video]

The Dhaka Times Desk We know that the shepherd grazes the cows in the field. They graze cows with sticks. Today there is news of an exceptional shepherd. That is, shepherds grazing cows with helicopters!

cows grazing in helicopter

If the distance from the cattle house to the pasture is 50 km, and if the number of cows is more than 2 thousand, then it is not possible to graze these cows on foot. That is why shepherds are using helicopters to graze cows. Incredibly, BBC One's video report revealed that the number of cattle in such a large ranch in Australia is at least 30 million!

Helicopters are used to graze these large numbers of animals. Because the cows are taken to pastures about 50 km away from the ranch. It will take more than a month to take these 2000 cows to graze on foot. But with the help of helicopter this work can be done in just 5 days. It is being done.

Shepherds also have to suffer accidents while grazing these cows. An average of 10 skilled pilots are killed in helicopter crashes in Australia each year.
After driving the cows from 50 km to within 8 km of the ranch, the land herdsmen join in to manage the herd. They drove the cows the rest of the way.

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