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Permanent residence and business opportunities in Malaysia!

The Dhaka Times Desk Malaysia is a symbol of confidence for small capital traders to invest safely. The Malaysian government has opened up the business market a lot with the goal of becoming a member of the developed world by 2020. The country has a good location for investment and permanent residence.

Permanent residence and business opportunities in Malaysia

It has been said that citizens of any country in the world can take up investment and permanent residence opportunities in Malaysia. Many types of modern and tasteful business can be done in Malaysia with low capital.

Bangladesh Supreme Court lawyer and chairman of World Wide Migration Consultants Limited. Sheikh Salahuddin Ahmed Raju told the media, branches of various Malaysian chain shops, language centers, international schools and colleges, interior design, event management, car wash, salon, rent-a-car, used car dealership, cyber cafe, mobile load, photocopier, tailor. , There are sufficient income opportunities in Malaysia by doing various businesses including fruit shop, printing business.

International immigration consultant Dr. Sheikh Salahuddin Ahmed also said that in Malaysia, it is also possible to do business such as agricultural farms and fisheries by leasing land on a large scale. Again, construction and renovation business can be done with necessary license. Apart from this, there are opportunities to do small capital home stay business, import-export, software or IT related business. There is a lot of demand for hotels, restaurants, boutique houses, ice cream or coffee shops, beauty shops, spa centers and flower shops in Malaysia. Physiotherapy center also has great potential for humanitarian services and business in Malaysia.

There are generally two ways to open a company in Malaysia. One hundred percent foreign shares can be traded through offshore companies in Malaysia. Another way is to live and do business in Malaysia as a family with an employment pass through SDN or BHD company.

For details on how to get citizenship and business residence visa in Malaysia contact:, and Can visit on the website.

In addition to Dr. directly. To speak with Sheikh Salahuddin Ahmed: +60168123154 and +60143300639.

Inquiries can also be made at the office of World Wide Migration Limited at Khan Tower, Sector 7, Uttara, Dhaka. You can talk on phone on these numbers: 01966041555, 01966041888 and 01977014778. News: From online news sources.

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