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The mysterious watchman of the sea wonderful angler fish!

Anglerfish females are much larger than males

The Dhaka Times Desk A wonderful fish in the sea is called angler fish. This fish acts like a mysterious watchman of the ocean. There are more than two hundred species of anglerfish in the world. Most species roam the deep sea.

সাগরের অতন্দ্র প্রহরী বিস্ময়কর এংলার ফিশ! 1

The head of this fish is quite large. The face is crescent shaped. This fish has sharp teeth in its mouth. On top of the head is a long spike called an elysium. The end of this long cut or elysium is known as the asca from which the light originates. Anglerfish navigate in the darkness of the ocean floor and help predators by providing light.

Anglerfish females are much larger than males. Their reproduction is also very strange. Basically, male fish cannot consume food for a certain period of time due to digestive system complications.

From this situation, the female resort to fish for food or survival. The female selects the fish by smell and bites and clings to it. Then a type of enzyme is released from the mouth.

It is said that the bite site melts and the male fish physically connects with the blood vessels of the female fish and receives nutrients from the female fish. In this way, as long as the female fish lives, the male fish also sticks to the female. At times the male fish also provides sperm for reproduction. This is how the angler fish, the unique watchman of the sea, lives.

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