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Now the Israeli flag will fly in Abu Dhabi!

As part of the normalization of relations with Israel, the United Arab Emirates government has allowed the Israeli judo team to participate in the international judo competition held in Abu Dhabi!

The Dhaka Times Desk Miri Regev, Minister of Culture and Sports of the Jewish State of Israel, said that the Israeli flag will fly in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates very soon.

এবার আবুধাবিতে উড়বে ইসরাইলি পতাকা! 1

According to media reports, as part of the normalization of relations with Israel, the United Arab Emirates government has allowed the Israeli judo team to participate in the international judo competition held in Abu Dhabi.

The Israeli minister said that the Israeli team will win the competition in Abu Dhabi. There will be a formal flying of the Israeli flag and the playing of the national anthem.

It should be noted that the United Arab Emirates participated in the bicycle competition in Tel Aviv earlier. Muslim countries have previously pledged not to have any relationship and communication with Israel, which occupies Al-Aqsa Mosque, the third holiest site in Islam.

Basically, by betraying the Palestinian nation and the entire Muslim Ummah, the United Arab Emirates has been carrying out various strategies and activities to normalize relations with the occupying Israel for a long time.

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