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From now on, the car will run on edible oil!

The Indian Institute of Petroleum in Dehradun, India is working on such a technology to run on edible oil

The Dhaka Times Desk Curry is cooked with cooking oil. We have been seeing this for a long time. However, another special quality of this edible oil has been revealed. Cars will run on edible oil.

এখন থেকে ভোজ্যতেলেই চলবে গাড়ি! 1

Many may think, why there is talk of petrol, diesel or octane in this edible oil. But the reason for this is its availability. You can easily get edible oil anywhere. But petrol or diesel is not available anywhere.

The Indian Institute of Petroleum in Dehradun, India is working on such a technology to run on edible oil. The technology they are working on with this edible oil will not only be able to run cars but also airplanes.

Fast food company Mc Donald's has driven its shelves with this edible oil. They converted 35,000 liters of used cooking oil into diesel. Due to which it is said that it has been possible to save 4 lakh 20 thousand liters of crude oil annually.

According to one information, reuse of cooking oil used in different countries of the world is discouraged. Accordingly, research is being conducted to make the used edible oil suitable for reuse. The result of this research is that edible oil can be converted and used as vehicle fuel. Their research has indeed opened a different door.

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