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Nan Madal - The Mysterious Rock Island

Nan Madal is a mysterious island surrounded by sea and standing in the middle

The Dhaka Times Desk Nan Madal is one of the oldest cities in the world. But this ancient city is slightly different from all other ancient cities. The city is literally floating on a coral reef in the Pacific Ocean. So the city is also known as 'Venice of the Pacific' or 'Venice of Micronesia'. The ancestors of the Mycenaeans also called it the 'coral of heaven'.

At the western end of the Pacific Ocean, more than a thousand islands are gathered together to form a huge archipelago, called Microsia. A mysterious island 'Nan Madal' is showing its existence to the east of the island named Pohnpei in the Microsia Islands.

নান মাদল-রহস্যময় পাথরের দ্বীপ 7
Location of Nan Madal on the map;

The meaning of the name Nan Madal is the middle place. Around this place there are so many canals connected to each other that it seems one canal has collided with another. That is why many researchers think that the island is named Nan Madal. The islands are about a mile in length and half a mile in breadth. Nan Madal, located in the lagoon, is surrounded by about a hundred small and large islands. Again these islands are connected to each other through several canals. However, the whole city is several times bigger than the Great Wall of China or the Pyramids of Egypt. The city is surrounded by a stone wall one and a half kilometers long and half a kilometer wide. These stones are what make the city mysterious. Each stone in the city of Nan Madal weighs close to fifty tons, while a single stone in the pyramid weighs about three tons. Several aesthetic artefacts made of stone in the city still impress tourists. How these amazing stones were formed is still shrouded in mystery. The island is surrounded by sea. Therefore, such a stone-built city in the sea is quite unimaginable and unimaginable.

There are no quarries near the island, which would suggest that the stones came from quarries. So some say, these wonderful stones may float in the water. But how such big and heavy stones can float in water is also unbelievable. Local people believe that the stones were brought here by some supernatural force or black magic, and if not, it is the work of some human ancestor. A huge pillar made of stone makes the island more mysterious. It looks like a monster is guarding the city. This stone pillar is placed at a height of 16 meters on the island. Archaeologists believe that this extraordinary construction work was carried out by thousands of workers over hundreds of years of tireless efforts.

Each of the stones used in the various structures of the city of Nan Madal weighs about fifty tons; Image Source:
There is also a deep mystery as to how these huge stones were brought to such a high place on the island. Some stones are as high as 25 feet and 17 feet wide. It is believed that tree trunks were used to transport these heavy stones from one end of the island to the other.

Many experts believe that Nan Madal once housed thousands of people. But many do not agree on this. According to them, more people have never been here. There may be hundreds of people at large. They also later left this place. During this time, their habitat was developed in the surrounding small islands. Some islands were used for growing crops or for burial of the dead. The royal burial grounds were also surrounded by a 26 feet high stone wall in the center of the island.

Researchers also differ on how the island became deserted. However, the lack of clean drinking water and food is believed to be the main reason for the inhabitants to leave the island. But how people lived isolated in the sea or here for a while is a bigger mystery. Some time ago archaeologists found some bones. But these bones are quite large compared to the local Micronesians here. Therefore, researchers do not agree that these bones belong to the ancient inhabitants of Nan Madal.

It is traditionally believed that the people who built the city of 'Leluh', later built the city of Nan Madal. But the idea is not true. Because, through carbon testing, it was later found that Nana Madal is much older than the city of Leluh.
But some say, the lost continent of folklore 'Mu' was here. A natural disaster that disappeared from the world map. However, experts have not been able to prove whether Nan Madlai Mu or not. However, many archaeologists also refer to the city as the mythical city of Atlantis.

Many researchers believe that the island was built as a residence of the Saodelu dynasty. The Saodelu royal family controlled the city's political and economic activities. It was first thought that Nana Madal was created around 1200 AD. Later radiocarbon tests revealed that the city was born around 200 BC. There are many stories and legends surrounding Nan Madal. The towering stone monuments of the city have given birth to various legends. Writers such as David Hatcher Childress and Erich von Däniken have also been inspired by it to write excellent literature. Erich von Däniken in his fiction 'Evidence of the Gods' reports that platinum is found on the island of Nan Madal.

Nan Madal is now a ruined city. An examination of the ruins of the city shows that it is about 900 years old. The ruined city is surrounded by ruins of numerous temples, ancient tombs and baths, which housed water storage systems. The stone structures here are similar to the Mayan and Aztec worship centers. The worship center is built quite high from the island, which is quite surprising. It is believed that religious rituals were performed from the high stone altar in the center of this shrine. The residents of Nan Madal at that time paid their utmost respect and devotion to the god Nanishan Shahpo for good harvest. There is evidence that there was also a system for preparing holy water 'Shakuo' used in religious ceremonies at this place.

Nan Madal's worship center and royal residence is believed to have been abandoned around the 19th century. The city became destitute in the fifteenth century and was completely abandoned in the nineteenth century. In 1985, the United States government declared Nan Madal a National Historic Site. And UNESCO has declared Nan Madal as part of the world heritage. Tourists flock throughout the year to see the historic Nan Madal.

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