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Stop apps with security features including preventing phone theft

Some young entrepreneurs have developed an app named Thamao to save themselves from various troubles and prevent phone theft

The Dhaka Times Desk Smart phone is our daily companion. And that's why we store various necessary information in the smart phone. Also login to various social sites, Facebook, Twitter, E-mail, Drive etc. But the problem is that the theft of smart phones is increasing day by day. And once your phone is stolen, all the information and login access to various sites goes into the hands of the smartphone thief.

As a result, you have to face various kinds of problems including blackmail. To avoid all these hassles and prevent phone theft, some young entrepreneurs have developed an app named Thamao. By using these apps you can protect yourself from phone theft. Even if the phone is stolen, all your privacy can reset the phone with an SMS. As a result all your logged in sites will be logged out which will protect your privacy.

The app was developed by Nasif Siddiqui (Accounting and Information Systems, Dhaka University), Ahsan Asim (Computer Science and Engineering, AIUB), Ratul Rahman (Accounting and Information Systems, Dhaka University) and Fayaz Bin Salam (Computer Science and Engineering, AIUB). Thamao Apps was created with the combined efforts of these 4 people.

Some of the features of the apps are given below.

1. SMS security

If the phone is stolen, you can reset your phone just by sending a pre-defined SMS. As a result, the thief will not be able to access any site logged in to your phone or grab any information from your phone memory.

Thamao Siren-

If your phone is lost, send a pre-set SMS to Thamao Siren and your phone will ring a loud siren. As a result the person who stole your phone will be caught.

Thamao Lock-

You can lock your phone through this. As a result, the thief cannot turn off your phone even if he wants to. The phone cannot be turned off until it is unlocked.

Smart Security

Smart Security has many advanced features. The aim of these features is to catch the thief red-handed. If it is stolen here with the benefit of Headphone, Charger, a loud siren will ring on the phone at certain times.

IMEI Security-

You can keep an accurate record of who owns your phone through Stop-Apps. If you want to know who is the real owner of any used phone before purchase.
Apart from this, there are many other benefits in this app.

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