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Baikka Bill – Permanent sanctuary for fish and birds

USAID funded project to build permanent fish and bird sanctuary at Baikka Bill

The Dhaka Times Desk When you are getting crushed by the pressure of work in the busy city life, you can travel from any place outside Dhaka. Apart from getting rid of boredom, you will get close proximity to nature. One of the places to visit with family outside of Dhaka is Srimangal's Baikka Bill.

What you will see:

Baikka Bill is currently the lifeblood of Hail Haor. A permanent sanctuary for fish and birds has been built at Baikka Bill through a USAID-funded project. The bill is maintained by the Integrated Protected Area Co-Management Project IPAC. 15-20 species of fish including Rui, Gainna, Kalibaos, Desi Sarpunti, Pabda, Id, Gulsha, Chital are available in abundance due to the establishment of fish sanctuary in Baikka Bill. There are thousands of kachuripana, shapla and lotus along with various kinds of fish. There is a non-stop movement of colorful grasshoppers in the water of the bill morning and evening. On a warm day without rain, a group of moths come to the side of the bill flower. In the eyes of nature lovers, birds are the best animals of this sanctuary. Notable birds of the bill- Pankauri, Kanibak, Dhalabak, Gobak, Dhupanibak, Rangabak, Dalppi, Newppi, Heron, Purple pen, Black-headed kestechara, Conch-chill, Palasi, Kura, Eagle. Many species of birds come to this bill as winter guests. Among them are Gewala Batan, Mettematha Chiti, Kalapankh Thangi, Dhala Sand Duck, Pati Sarali, Rajasarali, Morcherong, Bhuthihans, Giriyaduck, Langa Duck, Guti Eagle, Snake-frog and many other species of aquatic plants. In addition to this, Baikka Bill offers delicious butter, shellfish, and various flavors and colors of aquatic fruits. For the convenience of tourists, a three-story observation tower has been built above the water in Baikka Bill for bird watching. From this tower there is a good facility to watch the bill birds with powerful binoculars. If you want, you can take a boat trip at a low cost. If you sit in the observation tower in extreme heat, the cool air will make your body shiver instantly. Watch the sun set while sitting on the watch tower of Baikka Bill.

How to go:

You can go to Srimangal by bus or intercity train from Dhaka. You will get many buses from morning to 12 midnight (Hanif, Shyamoli, Ena, etc.). Fare 450-500/- CNG driven auto rickshaw or micro bike down to Srimangal. A CNG-powered BabyTaxi will cost Tk 1,200 to Tk 1,500 for the whole day to and from Baikka Bill.

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