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Pharaoh's passport!

The title of the king of Amalek was Pharaoh

The Dhaka Times Desk Pharaoh is basically nobody's name. Titles of priests, religious figures, and heads of noble families during the Israelite era. Later, when the Israelites lost the power to rule the kingdom, those who became kings of the region were called Pharaohs.

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Pharaon's passport was originally created in 1974 as the exhibition held in France required a passport to be brought there and according to the laws of the time regarding human bodies or their transportation.

Occupation: King (Deceased)

Here is a brief introduction to the pharaohs:

A. The title of the king of Amalek was Pharaoh.

b. Pharaoh was also the title of the king of Kibbutzim who lived in Egypt.

c. There is a difference of opinion regarding the name of the Pharaoh of the time of Hazrat Musa Alaihis Salam (ruler of the Kibbutzim).

1. Hazrat Musa Alaihis Salam was born during the reign of a Pharaoh who built the cities of Ramesses and Pitham. He is Ramesses II.

2. Some say that the reigning pharaoh (i.e. Ramesses II) died during the stay of Hazrat Musa alaihis salam in Midian, and the later events of Hazrat Musa's life took place during the reign of Merneptah, the successor of Ramesses II.

3. Some say, the name of the pharaoh of the era of Hazrat Musa alaihis salam was Waleed Ibn Masab Ibn Rayyan. He was more than four hundred years old. The name of the Pharaoh of the era of Hazrat Yusuf Alaihis Salam was Rayyan. There was a gap of 400 years between these two pharaohs.

So whatever the name of the pharaohs, the title of the rulers at that time was pharaoh. All these rulers have been known as Pharaohs in history. The last pharaoh's body is still preserved without process as Allah Ta'ala has shown. which is in the Egyptian Museum.

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