The Dhaka Times Desk In recent times, the incident of Facebook ID hacking is happening often. Many users are facing huge losses due to such incidents. However, Facebook users can get compensation if their ID is hacked.
If someone's ID is hacked, the hacked Facebook user can file a security breach claim and claim compensation. The amount of that compensation can be up to 11 thousand dollars. This is said by online law experts. News media.
According to the news, Gareth Pope, a lawyer at a law firm based in the UK, said that the affected Facebook users can file a complaint against the Facebook authorities if they want. Lawyer Gareth Pope said the law created an opportunity for social media users to collect fines.
It is known that in May of this year, the data protection regulation of the European Union GDPR has been introduced. This law is made to protect the personal information of customers. According to the law, anyone can file a 'citizen complaint' for data security reasons.
However, if someone leaves the ID unlocked on their device, if it falls into the hands of hackers, then if someone complains about data security, it will not be accepted at all.
It should be noted that some hackers have stolen the information of about 5 crore accounts of social media Facebook last Friday. Facebook itself has acknowledged this information as a security breach. After this, this law came up in the discussion.