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Learn how to delete messages sent on Facebook

Messages sent on Messenger can be deleted very easily

The Dhaka Times Desk Many times we have to face such problems with sending messages on Facebook. It is embarrassing to read. In such a situation, you can delete the message sent on Facebook. Find out how to do it.

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Did you accidentally or accidentally send a message to someone on Facebook? You are in big trouble with that, so it needs to be deleted. How to do it? Find out today.

what you have to do

Messages sent on Messenger can be deleted very easily. To do this, while using Facebook on the computer, the chat screen of the messenger must first be turned on.

Now the delete option is available by placing the cursor on the 3 dot marks to the left of the posted message or image. Then click on it to delete your message.

Moreover, the delete option can be seen at the bottom of the screen along with various re-action emojis when the cursor is placed on the message sent in the smartphone messenger app. Clicking on it will delete your message. This way you can easily delete the unwanted message.

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