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Treat mouth ulcers with home remedies

Most sores heal within 5-7 days, but sometimes some sores take longer to heal

The Dhaka Times Desk Suddenly, while eating, you realize that your mouth feels extra salty, or you wake up and realize that your mouth hurts. Looked carefully and realized that you have a sore on your face. Usually a small blister-like discharge occurs in the mouth. Then the rash turns white and turns into a sore.

At this time the mouth feels very painful. However, most of the sores heal within 5-7 days, but sometimes some sores take longer to heal. Among them, a sore on the corner of the two lips takes a long time to heal if not treated properly. Today we will discuss some home remedies for mouth sores.

1. Uses of Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera gel is a natural antiseptic, its antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral properties play an effective role in healing mouth sores very quickly. Applying aloe vera gel several times on the sores on the face heals the sores very quickly.

2. Tulsi leaf water:

Leave few tulsi leaves in lukewarm water. After some time drink the water with the leaves. Drink this several times for two to three days and the sore will heal.

3. Yashtimadu:

Jastimadhu has a good reputation for curing mouth ulcers. Powder jasthi honey and soak one tablespoon of jasthi honey in two cups of water for a while. Then rinse with that water several times a day. Then the mouth sores will get better.

4. Cool with salt-water mixed with cloves

You can gargle several times a day with salt-water mixed with cloves. This water prevents the infection of oral germs. As a result, the wound heals quickly.

5. Use of tea bags:

Soak a tea bag in cold water and hold it for a while on the affected area of the mouth. If you do this a few times a day, the wound will heal.

6. Honey and coconut milk:

A tablespoon of coconut milk mixed with honey and applied to the sores on the face several times a day will heal the sores.

If mouth sores do not get better with these methods, consult a doctor immediately.
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