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Learn the easy way to lose fat!

The Dhaka Times Desk Body fat is a big problem. This problem is especially common in the elderly. So today there are easy ways to lose fat. Know the method!

Check easy method to lose fat

Losing weight is particularly challenging for older people. But there is no reason to be so busy. You can easily reduce your weight especially fat i.e. belly fat at home. Maybe you are thinking how? Today's report is about that.

Many have a huge list of fat loss tips. The situation seems to be preparing for a small war rather than weight loss. Most people hear that they are gaining weight despite eating too little. Many people don't even eat, but still don't notice any difference.

Now you can understand the difference yourself. Not much, drinking just one cup of water a day will reduce your belly by 1 inch! But you only need two ingredients to make this magical water.

Check easy method to lose fat-2

One- ginger and two- lemon. A combination of these two will bring down your weight in a magical way!

Learn how to make it

First, cut ginger into small pieces and soak it in water for half an hour. Then mix more water with that water and soak a few pieces of lemon in water.

Now wait for couple of hours. Then your belly fat reduction medicine is ready. Drink this water every hour throughout the day. By doing this you will lose weight as well as detox your body. Prepare it like this and drink it daily.

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