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Behind the computer virus attack

In 1949, American scientist John Von Newman first reported computer viruses

The Dhaka Times Desk Computer virus attacks are nothing new. It is the main headache cause of people all over the world. If asked where this virus was born do you know? Can't answer. Find out today.

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So how does this virus come about? To answer this, you need to open the internet. But without going into so much trouble, let's take a look at its history.

In 1949, American scientist John Von Newman first reported computer viruses. His hypothesis was revealed to be a program that duplicated one of the programs. Then it is known as computer virus. Initially, virus production and testing was carried out in the laboratories of various reputed universities. Elk Cloner was the creator of the first virus created outside of the laboratory that spread to various computers. Its programming was done by Richard Scanta, a school student in the United States at the time.

Viruses of that time were spread through floppy disks. Because of that they could not have much impact on security. Although viruses began to spread through the Internet in the early 1990s, the biggest attack occurred in 1999. American citizen David L. Smith created this virus. This virus, called the 'Melissa' virus, spread everywhere through e-mail. In this process, a word file was attached to the e-mail, which upon opening, the user was infected with the virus. Moreover, the Melissa virus was automatically spread from the affected person to 50 other people in his e-mail. Due to which many users were forced to close e-mail accounts due to the Melissa virus.

Next comes the worm attack. A worm can spread itself to all computers which no other virus can ever do.

About the month of May 2000. A worm called love-bug spreads around the world. A letter called I Love You was attached to this virus, which when opened, the computer became a victim of worm attack. Then 2007 started with Trojan horse attack. It is basically a type of malware. Basically all types of harmful software are called malware. These include viruses, worms, trojan horses, spyware etc. The latest and most recent computer virus we are hearing is called 'Ransomware'. But we can protect the computer from these viruses through antivirus.

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