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Some of the scariest tourist spots in the world are for the adventurous traveler

No matter how strong you are, you'll quickly succumb to the heat of the sun on a trip to Death Valley

The Dhaka Times Desk Traveling is the only hobby of many people. The wanderlust is a group of people who want to travel in peace. And the more dangerous and difficult the journey is for the other group, the more satisfaction they get. Our world is a very surprising place. How many places in the world full of surprises one after the other or do we know? Today I will share with you some places that are in one word “uninhabitable”. Even visiting those places can be very risky.

Death Valley, USA:

If the world is our house, Death Valley is the hot oven of that house! The temperature of this spectacular desert has been recorded as the highest temperature in the world. Which is 56.7 degrees Celsius. No matter how strong you are, you'll quickly succumb to the heat of the sun on a trip to Death Valley. A person can survive in Death Valley for a maximum of 14 hours without water.

The Danakil Desert, Eritrea

Temperatures in the Danakil desert often rise to 50 degrees Celsius. Doesn't sound like much to Death Valley, USA, does it? In fact, temperature is not the only risk factor in this desert. There are several active volcanoes, which are constantly emitting toxic gases. This place can easily be identified as a small piece of hell on earth. The Danakil desert is so dangerous that there is a huge ban on trekking here without an experienced guide.

Snake Island, Brazil:

Many people will hesitate to hear about this island after hearing the name. Especially those with a strong fear of snakes. This island is located in Brazil. No one knows or needs to know its precise location. But you can find the location of the island by searching on Google Maps. This island lives up to its name. The island is home to one of the world's most venomous snakes called the Bothrobe. Researchers claim that at least five snakes live per square meter on this island! The Brazilian government has a strict ban on setting foot on this island.

Mount Washington, USA:

Mount Washington is to a kitchen fridge as the Earth is to a house as Death Valley is to a kitchen oven. At the summit of Mount Washington, the cold wind blows at the fastest speed in the world! The highest wind speed recorded here is 203 miles per hour or 327 kilometers per hour. Besides, the temperature drops to forty degrees below zero. Standing at 6288 feet tall, this mountain peak can be called the most dangerous mountain peak in the world. What goes through one's body to climb here can only be compared to someone climbing Mount Everest.

Madidi National Park, Bolivia

This amazing place is full of the world's most poisonous and deadly plants! As soon as the leaves of any of these plants come in contact with the body, severe itching starts. Along with itching, rashes start to appear on the body, resulting in dizziness. Any puncture, even a small wound, can quickly turn into an infection due to various tropical virus bacteria.


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