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Security costs are increasing in China's Uighur camps!

The way the Chinese government talks about training, in reality, is just the opposite. Mainly in Xinjiang province, the cost of vocational training has been reduced by another 7 percent

The Dhaka Times Desk The report of the international organization has revealed that the security costs have been increased in the minority Uighur camps in the western part of China! Millions of Uyghur Muslim community are living there in a trapped situation.

চীনের উইঘুর শিবিরে নিরাপত্তা ব্যয় বাড়ছে! 1

International media have reported that China has significantly increased security spending in the Muslim-majority Xinjiang province of its western Uyghur minority camps. Millions of Uyghur Muslims are detained there.

According to an estimate by the US-based Jameston Foundation, China has increased its security spending in the region by 213 percent since 2016. Many are commenting that it is an unusual number.

The Chinese government claims that they are spending this on training costs. However, German researcher Ardian analyzed the 2017 budget report and said that the way the Chinese government talks about training is actually the opposite. Mainly in Xinjiang province, the cost of vocational training has been reduced by another 7 percent.

In the past, international organizations have recommended increasing security costs and facilities for the detained Uyghur Muslim group several times.

In view of which, in 2017, it is reported that the security issue has been confirmed through satellite. Here the matter of increasing the security cost as much as 20 billion has been said.

It is reported that this expenditure has been increased mainly for the construction and security of prisons for detained Uyghur Muslims.

The Chinese government has been detaining Uyghur people in special detention camps for a long time under the pretext of fighting terrorism. Several other human rights organizations including Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have expressed their concern to the Chinese government several times.

It should be noted that this Uyghur community in China is an ethnic group of Central Asia of Turkish origin. About 45% of the people living in Xinjiang province are Uighurs. Because they are Muslims, this injustice has come down in their lives. At different times, there are various kinds of propaganda against this Uyghur community. Attempts have been made to control this Uyghur community in various ways. That's why incidents like ethnic cleansing are happening frequently. However, international human rights organizations have always played a vocal role. That is why the Chinese government could not do much for this Uighur community.

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