The Dhaka Times
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A teacher swam to school for 19 years!

Teacher Abdul Malik has not missed a single day since he started his job

The Dhaka Times Desk A rare occurrence indeed. A teacher swam to school for 19 years! Every morning at 9 am he swims across the river with a tube around his waist, and that's how he reaches school!

একজন শিক্ষক ১৯ বছর ধরে সাঁতরে স্কুলে যান! 1

One such news published by the news media has gone viral. Because for 19 years, not one day or two days, he reached school in the same way, i.e. by swimming in water! Every morning at 9 a.m. a teacher swims across the river with a tube around his waist, his clothes and shoes in a bag held aloft. This incident is a familiar sight in the Kadalundipuzha river in the Malappuram village of the Indian state of Kerala. For 19 long years, the man swam across the river in the same way at the same time. This teacher's name is Abdul Malik. He is a mathematics teacher in Muslim Lower Primary School in Kerala.

According to a news published in the media, teacher Abdul Malik has not missed a single day of school since the start of the job. The son of a poor family, Malik started his work as a teacher in 1993. Distance from his house to school is 12 km. There are two roads from home to his school. Leaving a house and changing buses twice. Then walk again. Another way is to reach the bank of the local Kadalundipuzha river on a 10-minute walk from home. Then swim across the river and walk a short distance. Then you can reach the workplace. In the beginning, teacher Malik used to go to school by bus. One day, on the advice of another teacher of his school, the teacher Malik chose the easy way to work by the river. Abdul Malik told the media that it is not possible to reach the school at the specified time most days if he has to go by car. It also consumes a lot of his time.

So he used the method of going to school by swimming the river. On reaching the school, he first changed his school clothes and went to the river bank. Put the clothes in a plastic bag. After that, with a tube around his waist, he holds his shoes in one hand, a plastic bag of clothes in the other hand, and he swims with the other hand.

For 19 long years, he attended school in this manner. During this long period, Abdul Malik never tried to go to any other profession or any other school. He said that he is very happy with the salary he gets from teaching. After so many years, many people say to the owner, you are not young yet. So why is it so difficult to swim across the river every day? Malik's reply to this is, 'I feel very trim and strong after swimming every day. I have decided that this is how I will swim every day until the moment I retire'. He thinks that both his body and mind will be good.

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