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The things that are followed will keep the family bond intact

If we adopt some ways, we can keep the family bond right in the midst of various busyness

A family, with parents, children and grandparents, enjoy a picnic

The Dhaka Times Desk Your busyness may be increasing day by day due to various reasons. And because of this busyness, people gradually move away from the family. Due to own busyness, other family members also have various problems. However, if we adopt several ways, we can maintain family ties even in the midst of busy schedules. Today we will discuss about those ways.

A family, with parents, children and grandparents, enjoy a picnic
1. Getting together at a certain time of the day:

In spite of our busy schedules, we should gather together with other family members at a certain time of the day to discuss various topics. Different in the fun of telling stories together with the whole family. For this you can choose dinner time or any time of the day to get together with everyone. This will keep your bond with everyone intact. Everyone learns a lot about each other when they spend some time together.

2. Giving everyone the opportunity to express their wishes:

Many of us don't allow others in the family, especially those who depend on us, to express their opinions. This is definitely a wrong move on our part. They cannot use their creativity due to lack of opportunities. Also they lose enthusiasm. If this condition persists for a long time, their respect for us gradually decreases. So we should give everyone in the family a chance to express their opinion. Try to know what their wishes are, how they think about various family matters.

3. If you make any request beyond your ability, explain it without getting angry

A family member may make a request that you are unable to fulfill at this time. So don't say anything to him in anger, which causes problems in the family. Explain well that you cannot fulfill his obligation at this time or why it is not possible to fulfill that obligation. Then family ties will be fine.

4. Appreciate the work of others in the family:

Everyone in the family does a lot of work. So appreciate their work. Our little appreciation creates great joy in their hearts. As a result, they will be interested in working more and the relationship with everyone in the family will be intact.

5. You can tell other family members about your busy schedule:

Why you are so busy, why you can't give time to other family members, sharing these things with family will let them know about your busy schedule and also make sure that you are not neglecting them.

6. Discuss your problems with your family:

Discuss what problems you are currently experiencing, how the problems arose, and how you are trying to solve them. Telling them about your problems increases their love for you. Because you share your problems with them because you think more of them. But things that should not be shared are better not shared.

Hopefully by following these methods you can keep family bonds intact.

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